Thursday, April 10, 2014

Arrows of Chance?

2 Chronicles 18

Arrows Of Chance Hit Sinners of Choice

Here we have a righteous man willingly befriending an unrighteous man.

An unclean thing makes a clean thing unclean. It’s only a matter of time before bad company corrupts good morals.

1 Corinthians 15:

Proverbs 22:

Of course they did! Here is the ecumenical council, the elite of the religious class, the best of the dr. do-flunkies gathered together to bring “good news” to a wicked man.
When the popular religious crowd advises a course of action; there’s trouble nearby.

Psalm 64

Jehoshaphat knew this was not the counsel of God

Ole’ wicked Ahab knew where the REAL man of God was to be found. He knew his address, he knew his God, and he knew his message. A man of God has got to be known.

A public spectacle is made to puff themselves up and here comes the TV preachers.

Machinations of his own doing, evoking pride and puffing up but not the Word of the Lord.

Yes, yes. We all agree to this sabre rattling, flag waving exercise in vanity.

We want your advice as long as it is positive.

The answer of a man who reverences God and His Word

Dripping with sarcasm.

The King knows that the other prophets are false. He knows they function to edify him only in the eyes of the people and to ease his conscience for his wickedness. By them he is justified but his spirit is not quieted. Men in REAL power recognize truth and lies.

Who is critical of the preacher of the Word of God but the wicked? Be careful from whom you take counsel against any man who preaches the Word of God faithfully.

The wicked prophets are the prophets of Ahab and not of God. But God puts the lies in their mouths as His judgement on all who follow them. He still does this today with Word of Faith preachers as well as others.

Here is the persecution of the righteous by the religious. Always the persecution of the righteous by the religious.

The word of God will rebuke him, not Micaiah.

The preacher of the Word of God expects to dine on affliction.

The Word of the Lord is a sure word. You can bet your life on it.

He thinks he can hide from God in the crowd. Safety in numbers! Here is your brave and wicked king.

There’s a hit on the King of Israel and not on the King of judah

He was mistaken for the company he kept. His identity was confused with another. Is your identity easily established?

It appears as though Ahabs little deception is working. At least for now. You can outsmart men but you can’t outsmart God. These are disciplined men on a mission. They’ll turn away now but don’t tempt God’s patience.

Arrows of chance, hit sinners of choice.

There are too many false prophets speaking to too many Ahab’s who are all too willing to listen. How long will God’s Patience hold back His wrath?

Proverbs 6

Ungodly people in the church who sow discord amongst the brethren perform the work of Satan.

There are always wolves hiding in the flock. They are friendly with the world and the enemies of God. They seek to sift you like wheat. God knows who they are.

Galations 6

Don't worry about ole' Ahab. God's got an archer.